Monica Maria was born in Milan where she started her studies as a classical and contemporary dancer She works as a fashion model as well as a dancer at many international fashion shows with choreographers such as Geoffrey Colley and Khrystine Perrot. She starts her tango career in 1990 when she met Osvaldo Roldán. She moves to Buenos Aires where she devotes herself to an in-depth study of this dance with renown teachers as well as more popular unknown dancers. Not only the dance, but also tango’s historical and anthropological aspects are the focus of her studies, so she gets her Italian college degree in Latin-American language and literature with a theses on tango and its literature.

She collaborates with Osvaldo Roldàn for 15 years teaching tango all over Europe with institutions as important as the Dance University in Paris. They create a series of video lessons (Fratelli Fabbri Editori) and feature in international shows with artists such as  Olivier Manoury, Arrigo Cappelletti, Hugo Díaz, Luis Borda, Hugo Eisemberg, Silvia Vladimivsky e Salo Pasik Company .

They dance in the Spanish tour Te cuento Tango show created by Coco Leonardi for Viento Sur Teatro and are guest dancers in the Esteban Greco Williams Balet Company.

They dance in the Spanish tour Te cuento Tango show created by Coco Leonardi for Viento Sur Teatro and are guest dancers in the Esteban Greco Williams Ballet Company.

In 1997, together with other eleven tango passionates, shey founded Tangoy, a cultural association with the purpose of promoting and divulging tango’s dance, poetry and music.

She performed at the inauguration of Nuovo Piccolo Teatro of Milano and in numerous International Tango Festivals with Tango Seis, Luis Borda Cuarteto, Ensamble Hyperion, Estravagario, Novitango.  She danced in Paolo Pacca’s Borges Cafè written for the Festival Corpo e Scena ’98, directed by Massimo Navone, with music by Luis Borda, play nominated among the three most interesting shows of the year.

She’s choreographer for the Playtex ’97 TV commercial and Vecchia Romagna 2005; she dances in the TV commercial for Madras 1999.

In 1998, during the Primer Encuentro Iberoamericano, she is author, with Coco Leonardi, of the play Nostalgias: Entre tango y fado, Portugal. Choreography by Osvaldo Roldán and Khrystine Perrot. For three years she’s a guest star at the at the Congreso Mundial Bacardi  de la salsa.

In Milan she conceives and founds with Osvaldo Roldán el Café Caribe Tango Club, that becomes a “temple of milongueros” tango during 10 years.

She dances in the Argentina official show at the World Industry Fair in Hannover with the Luis Borda Trio. She performs at numerous Festivals: “Artisti in piazza”, Ostiano; “Villeggiare D’estate”, Villa Sioli, Bussero; “Festival dei Laghi ‘97” with Tango Seis, Menaggio; “E..state al Chiostro” with Luis Borda Cuarteto, Bergamo; Premio Salvo Randone, Caltabellotta; “A qualcuno piace corto” con Garua Tango Ensamble, Teatro Signorelli, Cortona; “Profumo di Tango” con Trío NoviTango, Verona.
At Villa Gordiani in Rome she presents the show Between Tango and Poetry for which she is the curator of texts and translations from Spanish.  She’s also guest at numerous TV and radio shows such as “Uno Mattina”, RAI 1, Roma, Telemontecarlo, Milano, Canal Sur, Sevilla.

She currently continues her intense activity for the diffusion of tango both individually and in couple with different dancers and milongueros. In 2012 she met Yatma Diallo and they carry out an intense activity of teaching and performances, mostly concentrated in Italy. They are teachers within the project “Vela y Tango Horca Myseria” created by Monica Maria and Pippo Erroi which, in addition to the permanent school of tango school in Milan, organizes events and holidays for sailing and dancing.

In 2013 she got the degree for teaching dance at the National Sports and Educational Center of Italy. In 2014 she founds with Yatma the Association Mundo Milonguero.

Together with Yatma Diallo, he carries out an intense didactic activity with a permanent school in Milan, workshops in different towns of Italy, Europe, USA and Africa.

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